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World dances

Since rice is their most important food, the people of Sulawesi express their gratitude to God, who has granted them an abundant harvest. There are several ceremonial harvest dances, the Pakarena Dance and the Manimbong Dance.


THE PAKARENA DANCE. The Pakarena Dance is a dance from Makasar which used to be held in planting and harvesting ceremonies. There are two kinds of Pakarena dances, the Pakarena Bura'ne danced by twelve men and the Pakarena Baine, danced by twelve women. The dancers are boys or girls from nine to fourteen years of age who sing while they dance. The Pakarena Burane costume consists of long black trousers, a sarong worn as a skirt, a sprakling head-dress and a handkerchief hanging down the waist, with the upper part of the body uncovered. The Pakarena Baine costume consists of sarong and baju rawang (transparent jacket) and each dancer has a fan in her hand.

In addition to its close link with planting and harvest ceremonies, the Pakarena Dance was also performed as a welcome for a king.

THE MANINBONG DANCE. The Manimbong Dance is a dance of the Toraja tribe and is performed after harvest. The dancers consist of several men who sing while they dance.




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